Pre & Postnatal
level 3
Level 3 Pre & Post Natal Certification –
Start Date: contact us
Qualification Required: Level 3 Personal Trainer
(Contact us today if you need to obtain)
YMCA Credits: 4
Day 1-2 Module 1
Day 2-3 Module 2 & 3
Day 3 Assessment

Duration: 19 hours over 3 sessions
Location: Home Learning and Practical sessions at Green Pilates Movement Studios
Tutor: Yolande Green
Cost: One off payment £350
If you require monthly payment scheme of 3 payments of £125, final payment must be made before the final practical exam day.
You will learn:
The contraindications to exercise for ante and post natal clients
How to manage risks in exercise sessions
The nutritional requirements for the ante and post natal period
The principles of collecting information to plan an exercise programme for ante and post natal
How to screen ante and post natal clients
How to plan exercise programme for ante and post natal clients
success stories
Meet our students who have passed and thrive as Pre & Post Natal Instructors:
amy wanted to pursue her passion for exercise and have a career helping others find the love for a fit and healthy lifestyle.
quickly after passing amy has 4 weekly pt clients and about to
run 3 online fitness classes a week.
amy has taken her knowledge to her workplace and is teaching
a weekly fitness class promoting healthy lifestyle and fitness.